So, you like photography and want to improve your skills. Yes, you can learn how to manipulate shutter speeds, ISO's, or even photoshop, but what makes you different than every other photographer out there. Style. Without his personal style, Ansel Adams would of been just another Joe in the world. Without style in photography or any art, all photos/paintings/sculptures would look alike. Now, you may be asking yourself how you develop your style, and in truth I don't know. For in all actuality, as everyone's style is different, so is the development of their style. What I can tell you is a few tips that might come in handy.
Tip #1-Your never finished developing your style. Let's first take a look at Pablo Picasso, though most known for cubism, he switched through four different styles in his career. In other words your style is never really your style. You can equate the last sentence to Plato's idea of forms, or for every object there is a perfect form of that object which is unattainable. However, don't take this the wrong way. I am not saying that any style you create is futile, but that any style you create can be changed if your natural evolution of photography points you that way.
Tip #2-What feels right generally is right. When you take a photo, does it feel like a photo or an energy. Well, you know you took a good photo when it feels right inside. Unfortunately this is hard to explain, but keep on taking "right photos" and your style will slowly develop.
Tip #3-Don't give up. It may take a very long time to develop a sttle that fits you, but keep on trying. And even when you create your style, you may feel the need to change it. And that's okay, because like Tip #1 says your style is never your style. Also don't change your style because your friends disagree with it, follow what feels right.
Well those are my tips, and good luck developing your style.
Author of Currently am aphotographer who is enrolled in high school as a freshmen student.