For those who's interested in Prague's history, check out For the purpose of this article I am gonna concentrate on the photo aspect of my trip.
After reading the quick info card about the tour, I checked out my photo bag to make sure I got all my gear and everything works. This quick inspection is very important; not only to make sure that your gear works, but also to make a decision what to bring and what to leave home. I usually bring everything I got. Here's my list:
- Nikon F5
- AF Nikkor 50mm f1.4, AF Nikkor 24-80mm, AF Nikkor 80-200mm 2.8 D
- Nikon SB-600 flash unit
- Various filters
- FUJI Superia Press Pro 35mm color negative film
- Manfrotto tripod
- LowelPro AW Commercial Bag
Since I figured the pace of this trip will be pretty fast, I decided not to take the tripod with me; carrying the bag is bad enough. Everything else on the list was packed into LowelPro bag.
After an uncomfortable 7 hour bus ride, we finally arrived. The weather was ok, a few clouds, a bit overcast - nice for photography. The plan was to take a quick tour with the group, then lunch, and then explore the city on my own.
Photo 2 - The View from Charles Bridge
The tour was short and sweet - just how I like it. There was a lot of tourists around, so I snapped a few shots and moved on. After lunch, I decided to check out Charles Bridge located in the Old Town. While strolling through narrow streets of the Old Town, I noticed a homeless man sitting on the street. I didnt want to be obvious, so I pre focused the lens and snapped 2 shots. Both came out a bit blurry, cause my focus was not dead on, and also I got the feeling that I shook the camera a bit...
To be continued...
For more travel photography tips, check out this blog