
Living a dream as a photographer & filmmaker

Travel Photography Tips - Prague

While living in Europe, I had a lot of opportunities to travel, explore and photograph. Not every time I've taken advantage of them, but last weekend I had a chance to visit Prague (Czech Republic). The following are some of my experiences and lessons learned.

For those who's interested in Prague's history, check out For the purpose of this article I am gonna concentrate on the photo aspect of my trip.

After reading the quick info card about the tour, I checked out my photo bag to make sure I got all my gear and everything works. This quick inspection is very important; not only to make sure that your gear works, but also to make a decision what to bring and what to leave home. I usually bring everything I got. Here's my list:

  • Nikon F5
  • AF Nikkor 50mm f1.4, AF Nikkor 24-80mm, AF Nikkor 80-200mm 2.8 D
  • Nikon SB-600 flash unit
  • Various filters
  • FUJI Superia Press Pro 35mm color negative film
  • Manfrotto tripod
  • LowelPro AW Commercial Bag

Since I figured the pace of this trip will be pretty fast, I decided not to take the tripod with me; carrying the bag is bad enough. Everything else on the list was packed into LowelPro bag.

After an uncomfortable 7 hour bus ride, we finally arrived. The weather was ok, a few clouds, a bit overcast - nice for photography. The plan was to take a quick tour with the group, then lunch, and then explore the city on my own.

Photo 1 - Billboard in Prague

Photo 2 - The View from Charles Bridge

The tour was short and sweet - just how I like it. There was a lot of tourists around, so I snapped a few shots and moved on. After lunch, I decided to check out Charles Bridge located in the Old Town. While strolling through narrow streets of the Old Town, I noticed a homeless man sitting on the street. I didnt want to be obvious, so I pre focused the lens and snapped 2 shots. Both came out a bit blurry, cause my focus was not dead on, and also I got the feeling that I shook the camera a bit...

To be continued...

For more travel photography tips, check out this blog